Ketosis Signs and Indications

9 Signs And Indications that you are in Ketosis

Are you stuck on knowing whether you’re in Ketosis or not, but don’t want the hassle or the expense of actually having to measure your ketone levels? In this article,you will find nine different ways which your body tells you that you’re in ketosis.

What is  Ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic state that our bodies can enter in order to obtain energy that we need to function. In ketosis our body uses fat to create an energy source called ketone.

“Ketosis is a metabolic state characterized by elevated levels of ketone bodies in the blood or urine.”(ref: Healthline, Noreen Iftikhar, MD)

When ketosis is induced by carbohydrate restriction, it is sometimes referred to as nutritional ketosis. A low-carbohydrate, moderate protein diet that can lead to ketosis is called a ketogenic diet. Ketosis is well-established as a treatment for epilepsy and is also effective in treating type 2 diabetes. The possible effect on a range of neurological diseases, metabolic syndrome,cancer, and other conditions is currently under investigation.(Ref:Wikipedia,Ketosis).

Whether you’re just starting out on a ketogenic diet, or you’ve been on one for a while, there are different ways which our body tells us that we’re in ketosis. 

1. Keto Flu. 

Keto Fever is so named because of symptoms such as the flu that lasts for may be two, three days after starting a low-carb ketogenic diet. So you may feel a headache, a little tired, and perhaps a bad concentration. To be honest, calling it a flu is a bit of an overdose. If you have ever had the flu, what you experience here is nothing compared to, But it may be the first time your body is starting to burn fat as its main source of fuel, and you’re just not getting used to that, and it takes a while to adapt.

2. Keto Breath

Now, breathing is a sign you will notice as the levels of ketones in your blood begin to rise. And in fact, one of the ketones escapes in the form of acetone, and that is blown out. Now, not everyone can get that. Some people can’t even smell that, but it’s a very common symptom, when you start a low-carb ketogenic diet.

3. Digestive Changes. 

It is therefore common for people to have changes in their bowel habits after a few days of a low-carb diet. Your whole body adapts to a new diet, and all the bacteria in your gut need to adapt to that new diet. And that means there will be a few changes. Now, some people are constipated, some people are dragged. It usually lasts for a while.

4. Decreased Exercise Performance.

If you don’t really exercise, you may not realize it. But if you exercise regularly, especially if you do weights, then you will find that you will not be able to lift as much as you used to. Or if you are running, you may not be able to do that quickly, or you may go as far as you normally would. So the first reason for this is likely to burn out your temporary energy stores. When you eat foods that are low in ketogenic carbohydrates, the first thing your body uses are your temporary energy stores, which are glycogen, which are in your liver and muscles.

And it is the glycogen that your muscles tend to use for a real small amount of energy, and that can be things like lifting heavy weights or going out. So those are areas where you are likely to make a big difference. So the second reason you may experience weight loss is because your body is not used to burning fat and ketones as its main source of energy yet. It takes time to get used to your body, getting used to those new fats, and that will show up in your exercise routine.

5. Insomnia

When you eat ketogenic, up to 70% of the energy your brain is given can come from ketones, and this is a very different source of energy for your brain. And it is very common for people who are not used to being on a ketogenic diet to experience insomnia. So these first five were not good, but they are usually temporary symptoms of a low ketogenic carb diet. It all happens in the early stages, but it can be a sign that you are on the right track if you have ketosis for a long time. You will be glad to know that the following four are excellent conditions. And if you are already on a ketogenic diet, you are likely to experience some of these symptoms,

6. Reduced Appetite/Hunger

So you have created conditions in your body where you can now access your stored body fat as energy. That Means you’ll be less hungry, you get your energy out of your fat stores. This is good, this is a very good sign. It’s very common at this point when people decide, “I really don’t need breakfast anymore.” And this is great as it’s very common at this point when people decide, “I really don’t need breakfast anymore.” And this is great for occasional fasting.

The fact that you are experiencing reduced hunger means that switching to an occasional fast becoming very easy. And this exactly the reason keto doctors often recommend that people start a low-carb diet before they start fasting from time to time. It just happened that way.The second reason you may not feel hungry is that you do not get large insulin spikes after a carb-based diet you have been doing, and we know that that can lead to starvation when you get low blood glucose active levels.

7. Improved Mindfulness 

Now, this is one of my favorites. I love the clarity of thought and clarity of mind I have when I am in a state of ketosis. It’s amazing and worthwhile to eat only ketogenic, if not all, weight loss products. Ketones are a major source of facial expressions.

8. Improved Physical Energy/Fitness

So now you get your fat as your main energy store. And that gives you a lot of energy and energy delivery throughout the day. You don’t get those afternoons,That carb-crash is gone. Hopefully, your first phase of sleepiness will be better, your sleep will probably improve by then. And you will be waking up more refreshed. Most people need a little sleep when they are ketogenic and these are good signs that you may be in ketosis.

9. Weight loss

If the reason for a ketogenic diet is you are trying to lose weight, and you are actually losing weight, then you should never worry about whether you are in ketosis or not. You probably have enough evidence that you are in ketosis, and you are achieving your goal of losing weight. So weight loss for me is the biggest sign that you have ketosis, and you measure it regularly, you know your body weight changes that tell you if you are on the right track or not.